Sunday, June 7, 2015

Do Not Tap When Deboarding LA's Metro

Los Angeles' Metro rail system is a great way to travel about. The system recently eliminated paper tickets, and riders must have a TAP card to board the rail.

As I've mentioned, riders who pay by cash lose money. The metro system which includes bus and rail is not using a transfer system. Riders can now make transfers for free on one $1.75 fare. The restrictions are that they cannot board the same line twice and the last TAP has to be within 2 hours of the initial one. Otherwise, the TAP card is charged again. There are no paper transfers given so if you are transferring from bus to bus, you'll have to pay again.

The metro rail is not like New York's subway system. You do not Tap when deboarding. Remember when I mentioned that you cannot get on the same line twice. If you tap your card when getting off the rail, you'll be charged again. At most indoor stations, there are buttons to tap. I don't know why they're there. They don't deduct money. But at the outdoor stations, there are no turnstiles, only podiums. The podium doesn't know if you are leaving or boarding so it's going to deduct money on that second tap.

If you have a day, 7-day, or monthly pass, it won't matter. But there is absolutely no reason to tap out. You'll most likely lose money when you do.